The global business mobility visa allows organisation and companies outside the UK to expand their business in the UK by opening a branch or subsidiary, this would allow the foreign company to establish their presence in the UK and/or transfer their staff to the UK.
In order to apply for the Global Business Mobility (GBM), your organisation based utside the UK must apply for sponsor licence.
You first need to register the company on the Home Office website by providing details of the Authorising officer and their email. Authorising officer under the GBM route can be the applicant (Expansion Worker) who will be coming to the UK in order to establish a branch or a subsidiary.
Once the registration is complete the application form must be complete and submitted online. The fee for the sponsor licence under the GBM route is £536. There is no priority available under this route.
The evidence in connection with ethe sponsor licence must be submitted via email to the Home Office.
Any documents/evidence being submitted to the Home Office which is not in English or Welsh must be accompanied with a certificated translation.
All businesses applying under must provide evidence that they have a UK footprint. This can be the following documents:
a) Evidence you have been trading overseas for at least 36 months before the date of submitting your application:
(i) One of the following:
(ii) One of the following:
b) Evidence that your overseas business has been trading for last 3 years before the date of application for sponsor licence
Provide at least one of the following:
(a) Financial capability of your overseas business to fund the set-up initial costs for the business of your capability to fund your planned expansion for the first 12 months, according to your business plan – at least one of the following:
(i) A summary of your overseas business, you must provide:
(ii) A business plan:
Providing summary for the last 12 months’ activity, financial position of the company, reasons why you wish to expand the business to the UK, the investment available for expansion in the UK and projected expenses for the business and operating costs for at least the first 12 months of operations in the UK.
(iii) Detailed market research explaining reasoning for choosing the UK as a viable market to expand to (ideally included in the business plan).
(iv) If the expansion is subject to a shareholder vote process, as detailed in the company’s original articles of incorporation or equivalent, you must send evidence that this process has been followed (this may form part of the company’s filed accounts).
(v) If the business plan has been drafted by a third party, you must also include certified copies of the contract or agreement for that piece of work with the third party.
You must also send at least one of the following:
Once you have received the sponsor licence, there are 5 sub categories under which you can apply for a relevant visa.
This has replaced the old intra-company transfer route. This sub route allows foreign workers at senior level and specialist employees to a linked UK business to come to the UK for a temporary period. If the company is already based in the UK, they will be able to for the sponsor licence under the GBM route and provide evidence of common ownership or evidence that the company is linked with the overseas branch or parent company.
This route is for the overseas employees who are transferred to the UK by their employer who are enrolled on a graduate training program leading to a senior manager or specialist role for a work placement.
This route is for transferring an employee from the overseas company to the UK in orderto work as part of high value contract for the company.
If you are a contractual service supplier employed by an overseas company or anindependent service supplier overseas you need to be in the UK to provide services under the UK’s international trade agreements.
If you are a senior employee of an overseas company and you need to be transferred to the UK to establish a branch of subsidiary of the overseas business. Then you can apply for the sponsor licence under UK expansion worker route
A UK-based company that wants to sponsor an overseas employee under any of the 5 subcategories of the global business mobility route needs to first acquire a GBM sponsor license. The eligibility requirements for being approved as a GBM sponsor include the following general requirements:
Home Office specifies specific requirements for a UK-based organization if it wants to sponsor an overseas employee under any sub-category of the GBM route. These specific requirements include offering employment which
If you are applying on the UK Expansion Worker route, you need to meet the additional requirements for that route which are
Depending on the sub-category of the global business mobility route you are recruiting you need to submit a different set of documents relevant to that sub-category. For example, if you are hiring under a GBM service supplier you need to give evidence that you have an eligible contract with an overseas service provider for the supply of a service that is covered by a relevant UK trade commitment and that meets the requirements set out in section GBM2 of ‘sponsor a global business mobility worker’.
You need to apply an online application form. You also need to pay a fee for it. The amount you must pay will depend on the route you select. You must send the relevant documents after you have submitted the Global Business Mobility sponsor license application form to the Home Office within five working days.
The sponsor license application usually takes up to eight weeks to process with a fee of £536. A priority service is also available for an extra fee of £500, and a decision is usually made within 10 working days.