uk visa enquiry

Tier 1 Entrepreneur Visa Refusals: Common Mistakes & How to Avoid Them

The UK is the land of opportunities, with many individuals wishing to come to the UK for many different reasons. Due to this, there are many different routes of entry. One of the principle ways is by applying for a Tier 1 Entrepreneur Visa, allowing business people to come to the UK to do business. But what are some of the common mistakes people make when applying for this type of visa? !--more-- Entrepreneurs want to contribute to and benefit from the UK economy. If you have a solid business pl


By - 7 years ago

UK Spouse Visa Refusal Appeal - How To Apply Online Guide Step By Step

A spouse visa allows a person to enter the UK to live with his or her spouse – assuming their spouse is already settled in the UK or is a British citizen. But what happens if your application is refused? In this article, we outline why marriage visa applications can lead to refusal, and provide advice on the UK Spouse Visa Refusal Appeal process. !--more--

UK Spouse Visa Refusal Appeal Guide

While having a visa refused can be a traumatic and distressing experience for both you and your fam


By - 7 years ago

What Does Brexit Mean for Immigration in the UK?

In June 2016, 52% of referedum votes were cast in favour of Britain leaving European Union. This meant that the formal procedure of UK withdrawing from EU would start upon triggering Article 50, with the UK on course to leave the EU by the end of a 2 year period. But what does Brexit mean for non-British citizens living in UK and British citizens living in the EU? !--more-- Though the referendum was supposed to solve the issue of the relationship between Britain and Europe for once and all...

By - 7 years ago

How to Get an Entrepreneur Visa in the UK

The UK is a diverse and economically vibrant country. It is still one of the best places to start a business and grow. Due to this, there are hundreds of people who want to come to UK and set up their own business in different industries or take control of an existing business. In order to do this from outside the EU, you'll need to apply for an Entrepreneur Visa. !--more-- As the Entrepreneur Visa is one of the most popular UK visa schemes, every year the Home Office receives numerous vis...

By - 7 years ago

Visa and Migration is a private OISC regulated company (F201500999) and is not an official Government body. If you would like to prepare and submit your UK immigration application yourself you can do so by visiting the UKVI website.