uk visa enquiry

PIP and UK Partner Visa

A partner visa is for non-British individual who has a partner who is a British citizen, is settled in the UK or has a pre-settled or settled status under the EU settlement scheme. However, some eligibility requirements must be met by the applicant and the sponsor (partner in the UK). One of them is to meet financial needs.   

If you or your partner in the UK are in receipt of PIP (Personal Independence Payment) you do not need to meeting the financial requirements rather you need to meet the


By - 2 months ago

Article 8 Private Life

The Appendix Private Life of the Immigration Rules is a section of the UK's immigration law that outlines the criteria under which individuals may seek leave to remain in the UK based on their private life. This appendix is part of the wider UK Immigration Rules, which govern how individuals can remain in the country. The applications under this route are not relevant for Entry Clearance.
The rules surrounding private life are particularly relevant to individuals who do not have family or human


By - 2 months ago

Section 3 C and section 3 D leave

Section 3 C Immigration Act 1971 prevents you from becoming an overstayer in the UK even if your existing leave has expired. This means section 3 C allows you to stay in the UK legally beyond your current visa expiry date until a decision on your application for extension is reached provided you applied for extension in time (i.e. you applied before your visa expiry). Such provisions are also applicable while any appeal or administrative review is pending and therefore you are entitled to stay i


By - 2 months ago

Reasons for Delays in UK Visa Processing Time

When you make a UK visa application, you want this to be processed quickly. There are standard time limits within which visa applications are processed by the Home Office if everything is right with the application and the applicant. But many times you may have to face delays. There have, for example, been a number of reports of visa delays in 2019. What are some of the reasons behind delays in the processing time for UK visas? 

Reasons for delays in visa processing times

UK visa processin


By - 2 months ago

7 years child requirements for successful application

7 years child route is for those children who were born in the UK or came as children to the UK and have lived for 7 straight years in the UK. You can apply for indefinite leave to remain if you were born in the UK and leave to remain if you came as a child to the UK, you are below 18 years of age and you have lived for 7 years continuously in the UK. Children who came to the UK as children can apply for an initial period of 30 months or 60 months. The 7-year child route also enables you to appl


By - 3 months ago

Discretionary leave to remain outside the rules

UK immigration rule has been designed to accommodate most of the applicants seeking leave to remain in the UK. However, there are certain circumstances where the UKVI caseworkers have to use their discretion to grant leave to remain even though an applicant does not meet the immigration requirements. This is known as leaving outside the rules (LOTR).

LOTR can be used in specific circumstances where there is compassionate, compelling, or exceptional grounds are applicable. For example: it coul


By - 3 months ago

Applying indefinite leave to remain after divorce

If you come to the UK on the basis of a partner visa then divorce can complicate things if you wish to apply for ILR. This is because in a situation where you are divorced, your UK-based partner would no longer be a sponsoring partner anymore and thus your visa as a dependent or spouse ends, which then compels you to leave the UK.

Eligibility for ILR after divorce

If you are in the UK on a spouse or dependent visa of a UK-based partner then you may lose your right to stay in the UK. This i


By - 3 months ago

UK Partner Visa with PIP

UK partner visa also known as a UK spouse visa or UK unmarried partner visa allows the non-UK resident applicant to join a partner who is a UK permanent resident or British citizen. If the sponsor partner receives PIP, it can significantly impact the financial requirement for the UK partner visa application. PIP stands for Personal Independence Payment. This is a welfare benefit replacing Disability Living Allowance for people between the age of 16 and State Pension Age. The UK Sponsor (British


By - 3 months ago

UK Visit Visa refused due to financials

A UK visit visa is valid for a period of 6 months. You can visit the UK for tourism, visiting family and friends, medical treatment, etc. on a visit visa. There are no mandatory financial requirements for a UK visit visa; however, the Home Office quite often rejects visit visas on the basis of financial circumstances.

Financial requirements

For a successful visitor visa, several requirements must be met. One of them is financial requirement. You must have sufficient funds to cover all expe


By - 3 months ago

Should You Appeal or Re-Apply After a UK Visa Refusal?

Nobody wants a visa refusal. But for various reasons, a refusals outcome is handed to numerous applicants every year inside and outside the UK. The reasons can be that the applicant has not submitted all required documents, not submitting correct documents, submitting false documents, oversight of application form or documents by ECO etc. So, what are the options available to applicants when their visa application is refused? !--more-- Well, each applicant has three choices generally in such a s


By - 3 months ago

Visa and Migration is a private OISC regulated company (F201500999) and is not an official Government body. If you would like to prepare and submit your UK immigration application yourself you can do so by visiting the UKVI website.