uk visa enquiry

Differences between UK Fiancé visa and UK Marriage visa

There are different visas such as fiancé visa, marriage visa, unmarried partner visa, etc. for an individual looking to join their partner in the UK. These visas fall under UK family visa category which falls under Appendix FM of the Immigration rules. There are some distinct differences between the fiancé and marriage visa for UK.

The key differences between a UK Fiancé visa and a UK Marriage visa

  • The UK Fiancé visa is for those who are engaged and intend to marry in the UK within 6 mo

By - 5 months ago

Step-by-step guide to setting up a company in the UK

You may want to set up a company in the UK you need to know the procedure because it is not an easy task. However, if you take an expert’s assistance you can set up your company in the UK rather easily.

Choose a name for the company

Once you have decided to set up a limited company you need to choose a company name after that. You should choose a unique name for your company different from any other existing company. When choosing a company name you should keep the following in mind:
• It


By - 6 months ago

Requirements for UK dependent child visa route

If you want your dependent child aged under the age of 18 to join you in the UK, you can do so by bringing them to the UK under the UK dependent child visa route. The child you want to bring to the UK must be dependent on you and you must be able to support them while they are in the UK.

Dependent child/children can apply under the following circumstances:

  • If at least one of the child’s parents is settled or applying for settlement in the UK, the child may be eligible to apply for Indef

By - 6 months ago

Discretionary Leave to Remain- how to apply and things to know

There are various categories under the UK Immigration Rules. If you want to remain in the UK you need to meet eligibility requirements for one of the many visa categories. However, there might be situations in which you fail to meet one or more requirement. In such a scenario it is not possible for the UK Home Office to allow you to remain in the UK.
Here come the exceptional and compassionate circumstances where the Home Office finds that not allowing you to remain in the UK would breach your


By - 6 months ago

Salary Requirements for UK Skilled Worker visas and ILR

Latest updates were announced by the Home Office on 14 March 2024 about changes in immigration rules including significant changes in salary requirements for UK skilled worker visas. The new rules have come into effect from 4 April 2024. UK skilled worker visa replaced.
Tier 2 worker visa and this allows overseas workers to come and work in the UK for a UK-based business or organization. A UK company with a sponsor license offers jobs to foreign workers for key roles in their company. For this,


By - 7 months ago

Domestic Violence and ILR

If you have been a victim of domestic abuse from your partner who is a British citizen or is a settled person in the UK, you can apply for ILR (indefinite leave to remain). You may be granted ILR because your relationship with your partner ended due to domestic violence. If granted ILR you can live in the UK as long as you wish without any time restriction. ILR or settled status also allows you to work and study in the UK and can also lead to British citizenship.

What does account for Domesti


By - 7 months ago

UK Domestic Worker Visa Requirements

UK domestic worker visa allows migrant workers to work in private households in the UK. If you have worked as a domestic worker in a private household outside the UK and your employer wants you to visit the UK and continue working as their domestic worker for a period of up to 6 months when they come to the UK, you can apply for UK domestic worker visa with your employer.

You can apply for a visa to visit the UK with your employer if you live outside the UK, working as a domestic worker in a


By - 7 months ago

How to get British Citizenship by marriage

If your spouse or civil partner is a British citizen you may be able to apply for British citizenship by marriage. You must have lived in the UK for at least 3 years as a spouse/civil partner of a UK national before you apply for British citizenship. This way of acquiring British citizenship is called ‘naturalization’.


You need to meet the following to be able to apply for British citizenship by marriage under section 6 (2) of the British Nationality Act:
 You must be 18 or o


By - 8 months ago

Sponsor License Revocations – What to do next

Sponsor License revocation is bad news for any UK-based organization that has hired foreign workers and wishes to continue hiring foreign workers in the future also. If you get a notice from the Home Office that your sponsor license may be revoked, you need to understand what is going to be the consequences of it and the possible solutions there are for your company.  

Impact of Sponsor License Revocation on Organization

Once your sponsor license is revoked you cannot employ foreign worker


By - 8 months ago

What if I am Illegally in the UK

Illegal Migration Act 2023 became law on 20 July 2023 in the UK. However, only a few provisions of the Illegal Migration Act 2023 have come into force as of now. The new law aims to ‘prevent and deter unlawful migration, particularly the migration by unsafe and illegal routes, by removing certain persons from the UK who enter or arrive in the UK by breaching immigration control’.

The new provisions have been introduced with the following objectives:

  • To alter and deal with those living i

By - 9 months ago

Visa and Migration is a private OISC regulated company (F201500999) and is not an official Government body. If you would like to prepare and submit your UK immigration application yourself you can do so by visiting the UKVI website.