uk visa enquiry
UK Visa

Maintaining Sponsor Management System

Do you need to apply for a Maintaining Sponsor Management System?

Speak to our experts to find out about our fast, friendly and affordable service

The services provided include initial assessments of the business and reviews to identify your business' suitability to join and hold a sponsorship licence. We will provide a detailed report and recommendation to ensure successful maintenance of SMS, and maintain long term commitment to assisting your organisation remaining under the scheme. Upon registration, as a Sponsor our specialist advisors can assist your human resources departments in issuing Certificates of Sponsorship and maintaining satisfactory records and systems to comply with strict Home Office guidelines. In agreement with your organisation, we can carry out additional ad hoc inspections to ensure your company maintains sufficient records and reporting procedures, in order to maintain your sponsorship status as an employer.

Do you need to apply for a Maintaining Sponsor Management System?

Speak to our experts to find out about our fast, friendly and affordable service

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