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UK Visa

UK Civil Partnership Visa

Do you need to apply for a UK Civil Partnership Visa?

Speak to our experts to find out about our fast, friendly and affordable service

Apply for a UK Civil Partnership Visa- Know Eligibility, Fees & Required Documents!

Introduction - What is a Civil Partner Visa?

Civil Partnership visa is a category under Appendix FM  of the Immigration Rules. An application for the civil partnership visa can be submitted from inside the UK or outside the UK. For submitting an application from inside the UK, you must be present in the UK on a category of visa which allows you to switch, for example, you cannot apply from inside the UK if you are visiting the UK on a visitor visa or sn overtayer in the UK. 

The civil partner visa is mainly for people who have formed civil partnership (recognised under Civil Partnership Act 2004) and intend join or live with their partner in the United Kingdom. The partner can be a person who is British citizen, holding Indefinite Leave to Remain, pre-settled or settled status EEA national or holding ECAA status, Refugee or Humantarian protection status in the UK or intending to return with their partner to the United Kingdom.   

A registered civil partnership is a lawful relationship between two people of the same sex or opposite sex. If the civil partnership has taken place outside the UK, then the same must be recognised under the Civil Partnership Act 2004.  Same-sex or opposite sex couples should generally register their civil partnership before applying for a UK visa, unless they are applying for a fiance or proposed civil partnership visa.  Apart from the registration of civil partnership recognition under the 2004 Act, the requirements of a civil partnership visa are similar to Marriage or Spouse Visa and the applicant needs to meet the relevant Eligibility requirements. 

The general Eligibility requirements for the civil partnership visa are that the couple must have formed a civil partnership, which must be genuine and subsisting. From 11 April 2024 the applicants will also need to meet the minimum income requirement of £29000. Additionally, the applicant must go on to provide evidence of adequate accommodation and meet the English Language requirement at an appropriate level. 

Once the applicant is granted civil partnership visa they are given 33 months from ourside the UK and 30 months inside the UK. After completing 60 months in the UK the applicant can apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain and then British citizeship immediately after ILR.

Eligibility Criteria for the UK civil partnership visa

If the applicant is a partner in a same-sex relationship or opposite sex relationship like that of marriage, then he/she may be eligible to make an application for a stay or entry in the United Kingdom under the category of UK civil partnership visa

  • Both the civil partner should be at least 18 years of age;
  • Both the civil partners should have met and should be committed to the relationship;
  • Their relationship should be genuine and subsisting; 
  • Civil Partnership is recognised under the Civil Partnership Act 2004;
  • Provide Evidence that your relationship is Genuine and subsisting;
  • Meet the English Language requirement - Level A 1 of the CEFR or A2 for Extension of your stay;
  • Neither of the partners has a relationship with more than one partner;
  • You must meet the financial requirment; 
  • Both the partners intend to live together in the United Kingdom

Apart from the above, the applicant will need to provide evidence that he/she is a civil partner of:

  • A present and a settled person in the United Kingdom - i.e. Indefinite Leave to Remain, or
  • A British Citizen, Leave to Remain under EUSS or Leave to Remain under Appendix ECAA, Refugee or granted Humantarian protection

It is important for the partner to show that there is adequate accommodation for the other partner and any dependents and that he/she will be adequately maintained without recourse to public funds for UK civil partnership visa.

After 9 July 2012, the applicant will need meet the financial requirement that is earning of £18,600 from employment, self-employment, savings of £62500, director of a company, etcetera. There are various ways to meet the financial requirement and there are also exemptions to meet the financial requirement such as if you are in receive of PIP, DLA or Carer's allowance. Currently from 11 April 2024 the minimum income requirement is £29000 or Savings of £88,500, however there is no need to show additional funds for children. 

Duration of Stay under UK civil partnership visa

If you are applying from overseas, you will be issued leave to enter for a period of 33 months. Inside the United Kingdom, you will be issued a stay for a period of 30 months. A further extension will continue to be sought until it accumulates to 5 years under the UK civil partnership visa.

After completion of a period of 5 years’ residence in the United Kingdom as a civil partner, you will be eligible to apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain in the UK. This is, of course, dependent upon the condition that the applicant is still in a civil partnership, where both civil partners are living together in the UK and can continue to meet the requirements as mentioned above. Of course, to the condition that the applicant is still a civil partner and living together in the UK and can continue to meet the requirement as mentioned above.

Documents Required UK Civil Partnership isa

The documents for civil partnership visa depend on circumstances of the applicant. It is generally the duty of the applicant submitting the application that they make sure all the evidence is being submitted meets the requirement under Appendix FM of the Immigration Rules.

You can submit - 

  • Application form fully completement and meeting the validity requirments; 
  • Your valid passport; 
  • Your two-passport size photos; 
  • Valid Civil Partnership Certificate;
  • Evidence to show that your relationship is genuie and subsisting (evidence of communication or meeting or proof of living together); 
  • Evidence of financial requirement/minimum income requirement like payslip or self-employement documents or proof of savings, etc;
  • Evidence that you meet the English Language requirement - relevant SELT Test certificate or UK Degree, etc; 
  • Translation of documents if not in English; 
  • Attending the biometric appointment; 
  • TB test certificate where you have been residing in a relevant country under Appendix T

It is your responsibility that your documents must be in English. The documents are most important and you must note that the documents requirements can be complex according to a relationship or the way you meet the minimum income requirment. It is advisable to seek immigration advise from an immigration lawyer or solicitor. 

For an unlimited advice to achieve a successful outcome on your application you can contact Visa and Migration Ltd on 02034111261 or email us on

Is Civil partnership valid in the UK?

Civil Partnership are valid if it is recognised under the Civil Partnership Act 2004. So if you are forming a civil partnership outside the UK you can perform a validity check on the website. 

Cost of civil partnership visa UK

The UK civil partnership visa fee in 2024 for UKVI application from outside the UK is £1846 and the Immigration Health Surcharge of £3105, kindly note the UKVI charges 4% processing fee on top of their fees and is paid in currency depending upon your residence or nationality.

For applications from inside the UK, the UKVI fee is £1048 and Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS) of £2587.50.

In 2024 the IHS is £1035 per year and has been multiplied to the length of years the visa will be granted. If you meet all the above requirements and are able to provide us evidence which we will list for you upon instructions we will be able to guarantee a positive outcome on your application provided you have given us all information correctly and have not deceived us in any way or hidden any relevant information.

How We Work

  • We assess your circumstances and provide you a quote for our services; If you want to move ahead -  
  • We Provide you with a comprehensive checklist of documents according to your circumstances; 
  • We provide you with templates and approved and accepted by the Home Office; 
  • We advise you on the evidence and process of submitting the application from the country you apply from; 
  • We Review all the evidence and suggest any amendments you may require (and/or We draft letters or templates for you where necessary);
  • We do not leave any scope for refusal of your application - if there is anything which is of concern we point this out to you and help you to remedy the issues;  
  • We fill and prepare the application forms and we always send this for you to review and confirm to avoid any simple mistakes;
  • We prepare and finalise your application for submission and book you an appointment in the country where you provide your biometrics;  
  • We preparing detailed representations for the Home Office or UKV&I in reference to the Immigration Rules (This is when you pay the rest of our 50% fee); and 
  • Should there be a delay beyond the processing timings we will chase the application for you.


Can I switch to the UK Civil Partnership Visa from Visitor Visa?

The Immigration Rules generally restrict a person on visitor visa to switch into a UK Civil Partnership Visa, however, in certain circumstances it may be possible for example you have a British child in the UK and your partner is also a British citizen, or there are compassionate and compelling circumstances, etcetera

I am an overstayer in the UK can I apply for a UK Civil Partnership Visa?

You may be able to apply for a UK Civil Partnership Visa if there are exceptional circumstances or you have a child who has lived in the UK for 7 years or is a British citizen

Do I need to provide a TB test with UK Civil Partnership Visa?

If you are submitting an application from outside the UK, the immigration rules provide a list of countries where the applicant may have resided for 6 months or more will require a TB test from an IOM approved clinic.

Do I need to provide English Language Test?

If you are between 18 and 65 years old you would need to meet the English Language requirement or if you are not a national of a majority English speaking country. For an initial application for you need A 1 Speaking and Listening SELT English Test. 

If you want to apply for a UK civil partnership visa? Our immigration experts can help you with a hassle-free UK civil partnership visa application at affordable service charge. Contact us now for more information.

Do you need to apply for a UK Civil Partnership Visa?

Speak to our experts to find out about our fast, friendly and affordable service

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Visa and Migration is a private OISC regulated company (F201500999) and is not an official Government body. If you would like to prepare and submit your UK immigration application yourself you can do so by visiting the UKVI website.