uk visa enquiry
UK Visa

UK Visa

Do you need to apply for a UK Visa?

Speak to our experts to find out about our fast, friendly and affordable service

Apply For A UK visa- Types & how to apply

At Visa and Migration, our team of immigration experts provide the following forms of advice and support in relation to visa applications:

  • Prepare all types of visa applications for submission to the Home Office, including human rights applications and concessionary or discretionary applications

  • Prepare well-grounded applications where it warrants Humanitarian Protection as per the latest laws and rulings

  • Represent the clients in all sorts of correspondence with the Home Office.

  • Prepare for Home Office interviews

  • Submit detail representations to the Home Office duly supported with the latest law and regulations and cases.

  • Accurate drafting of client statements, including asylum statements

  • Submitting one-stop notices

  • Issuing notices of appeal and statements of additional grounds came to light subsequently.

  • Preparation of applications for temporary admission and Chief Immigration Officers bail

  • Preparation of representations pertaining to on-going immigration casework to MPs

  • Provide proper briefing and instructions to a barrister or advocate to represent the case

  • Advise on drafting appropriate grounds of appeal (where permitted by the Bar Council)

Types of UK Visa

We can provide expert advice on a range of different types of UK visas, such as:

Settlement & Family Visas: We assist the applicant to obtain fiancé visas, marriage visas, de facto and unmarried partner visas, civil partnership visas, dependent visas and UK ancestry visas.

UK Immigration appeals: Our team of solicitors and barristers to represent our clients at the Tribunal or the Court of Law, as well as issuing notices of appeal and statements of additional grounds for our clients.

Permanent Residence, British Citizenship & ILR: Our experienced legal experts successfully deal with cases pertaining to Indefinite Leave to Remain, settlement assistance, naturalisation and British Citizenship.

UK Working Visas: We provide assistance to our clients with the full range of employment visas, including Tier 1 General Highly Skilled visas (which replaced the HSMP) and Tier 2 visas (which replaced the UK Work Permit)

UK Passport: We assist our clients who seek to get a British Passport or to get their expired passport renewed.

How We Work

  • We assess your circumstances and provide you a quote for our services;  
  • We Provide you with a comprehensive checklist of documents according to your circumstances; 
  • We provide you with templates and approved and accepted by the Home Office; 
  • We advise you on the evidence and process of submitting the application from the country you apply from or within the UK; 
  • We Review all the evidence and suggest any amendments you may require (and/or We draft letters or templates for you where necessary);
  • We do not leave any scope for refusal of your application - if there is anything which is of concern we point this out to you and help you to remedy the issues;  
  • We fill and prepare the application forms and we always send this for you to review and confirm to avoid any simple mistakes;
  • We prepare and finalise your application for submission and book you an appointment in the country where you provide your biometrics;  
  • We preparing detailed representations for the Home Office or UKV&I in reference to the Immigration Rules

Check out the successful UK visa and migration approvals 

Do you need to apply for a UK Visa?

Speak to our experts to find out about our fast, friendly and affordable service

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Visa and Migration is a private OISC regulated company (F201500999) and is not an official Government body. If you would like to prepare and submit your UK immigration application yourself you can do so by visiting the UKVI website.