In this section, you will find information about:
If you want to visit the UK for a short amount of time, then there are different types of visas suited to the type of trip you want to make. For something as simple as passing through the UK, you will need to apply for a Transit Visa. However, if you want to visit the UK for a shorter period on a holiday or to visit your family members, you will need to apply for a UK Tourist or Visitor Visa.
If you want to do a short course of study in the UK, then you need a short term student visa. This also allows you to do a short period of research if you require it for part of a degree. To find out if a short term student visa is right for you, click here.
A permitted paid engagement visa is given to people who want to come to the UK to do specific work or come to the UK for performance without sponsors under the points-based visa system. The visa lasts for one month. If you want apply for this visa, you need to fulfil specific requirements under the Appendix V of the Immigration Rules.
If your child attends an independent fee-paying day school in the UK you are eligible for a parent of tier 4 child visa. The visa is granted for a 6 to 12 months and can be extended in the UK.
If you’d like more information regarding an application for a Tourist or Short Stay Visa, or you would like to make an appeal, then do not hesitate to get in touch.