uk visa enquiry

What is Civil Partnership Visa

If you are a non-British national and you have a civil partner who is “present and settled” which means that they are British citizen or has a settled status in the UK, i.e. one with indefinite leave to remain in the UK or limited leave to remain under Appendix EU or Appendix ECAA, refugee or with humantarian protection you can join your partner in the UK. You may apply for UK civil partner visa


What is a civil partnership? 

A civil partnership is a relationship between couples who are either of the opposite sex or same sex but are not related to each other. A civil partnership is a legally valid relationship in the UK; however, to get legal validation for your civil partnership, you need to register your civil partnership in the UK or if the civil partnership has taken place outside the UK it should be recognised under Civil Partnership Act 2004 

In order to register a civil partnership in the UK, you and your partner must sign a civil partnership document in front of two witnesses and a registrar. 


Eligibility requirements for UK Civil parnership visa

You need to meet the following requirements to apply for a UK partner visa: 

  • You and your partner must be 18 or over. 

  • Your partner must be “present and settled” – as stated above; 

  • You both must have met in person. 

  • You both must be in a civil partnership that is legally recognized in the UK. 

  • Your relationship must be a genuine and subsisting one. 

  • You both must intend to live together permanently. 

  • If there were any previous relationships you were in, that must have broken down permanently. 

  • You must meet the adequate maintenance requirement in the UK without recourse to public funds. 

  • There must be adequate accommodation for you and any dependents. 

  • You speak and understand English to the required level. 


How to meet the financial requirement for a civil partnership visa? 

You can meet the financial requirement by showing income of £18600 or more, you can find more Meeting financial requirement 

There can be various means of a source of your income, such as the following: 

  • Salaried income  

  • Non-salaried income  

  • Self-employed income 

  • Salary and/or dividends from a company of which you are a Director 

  • Rental income from a property rental  

  • Dividends and income from investments, stocks, shares, bonds, or trust funds 

  • Income from pension  

  • Insurance payments 


How long can you stay in the UK? 

If your UK civil partnership visa application is successful, you will be granted an initial stay of 33 months if you are applying from outside the UK and 30 months if you are applying from inside the UK. You must apply for an extension of your stay before your visa expires. 

If you need professional advice and representation for your Partner Visa application, please do not hesitate to contact Visa and Migration Ltd on 02034111261 or email us on  


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Visa and Migration is a private OISC regulated company (F201500999) and is not an official Government body. If you would like to prepare and submit your UK immigration application yourself you can do so by visiting the UKVI website.